I basically like this new addition to the East Village. It is certainly a big improvement on much of what has been going on around here for the last several years. Maybe at some point I will get some photos from inside to see how that is functioning.
It was designed by Thom Mayne of Morphosis and has gotten pretty glowing reviews for its looks, its green-ness, and its embrace of inspecific pockets of interior space. It reminds me a little bit of a kind of candy called a Chunky chocolate bar, which you don't see around too much anymore. These pictures show an approach from the back, where it is more rectilinear, more sober; appropriate to abut the St. George's Ukrainian Catholic School.
The building's front has loads of fun angles. Most people mention the vertical gash that breaks up the space, but my favorite bit is just to the right of that, which is sort of a flap that curves just a tad at the bottom edge. Reminds me of a pocket protector, icon of the 70's-80's nerd culture. Appropriate since, among other things, this building will house Cooper Union's School of Engineering, which, at least image-wise was the poor stepsister of the flashy art & architecture programs.