This yearly sale and auction helps sustain the programs and scholarships at Greenwich House Pottery in Manhattan. GHP faculty members and well-known potters/ceramic artists from across the country are participating, and it is worth checking out even if you aren't in a position to buy, since there is a broad range of approaches to clay on view. I think my favorite works were the pitchers by Michael Schneider that could also function well as vases. A kind of off-kilter stacking of geometric shapes with crisp edges and very straightforward matte glazes. The piece showing nail-punctured feet of Christ comes from an installation by Richard Notkin that is composed of numerous terracotta tiles which reference familiar images from political events, art historical classics and personal iconography. It is impressive to see, though difficult to get a good shot of in its entirety. Show continues through May, and is complemented by an online auction that goes from April 15th to 26th.
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